Rosslare Harbour Festival under way

Pictured at the launch of the Rosslare Harbour Festival in the Garden Café this evening were (left to right); Leo Coy, Chair and Organiser of Rosslare Harbour Festival; Cllr Jim Moore, Cathaoirleach Rosslare Municipal District, who performed the official launch; Madeleine Quirke, Vice-Chair Rosslare Harbour Development Board; and Cllr Aoife Rose O’Brien.  (Pic;

By Dan Walsh at Rosslare Harbour Festival launch

The 3rd annual three-day Rosslare Harbour Maritime, Heritage, Art and Music Festival takes place this weekend and the official opening of the festival was performed by Cathaoirleach of Rosslare Municipal District, Cllr Jim Moore, at a pleasant function held last evening at the Garden Café in Rosslare Harbour.

Cllr Moore said he was delighted to be asked to open the festival and he thanked the organisers for the work they put into the role of community initiatives to develop culture and unveil the curiosity of coastal communities wondering what is beyond the horizon! “Rosslare district has 100kms of coastline,” he concluded.

Newly elected Cllr Aoife Rose O’Brien thanked the organisers for the great welcome received and she pledged her support for initiatives in the district and stated she was “delighted to be part of it.”

Madeleine Quirke, Vice-chairperson of Rosslare Harbour Development Board had a warm welcome for guests at the launch and spoke passionately about the relationship between Ireland and France and the boost it gives to tourism and the hospitality sector, mentioned several ongoing projects in the area, and rejoiced at the strengthening connection that has developed between Rosslare and Europe.

Leo Coy, Chairman of the Rosslare Harbour Festival Committee and organiser of the festival, paid tribute to the generous sponsors and those who have contributed to getting the programme together and he thanked them all.

Saturday’s programme commences at 11am in the Maritime Heritage Centre and features a Cruinnia na nÓg workshop followed by a performance of ‘Echoes of the Sea’ by Rosslare National School pupils; a talk on the Wexford Zorro by author Eoin Christopher McAuley; and a talk on the Port of Cherbourg by Dr Michel Aumont, Normandy.

From 2pm Uileann Pipers, KRH Tops and guests, Sarah Deevy, Craobh Loch Garman Group and Carrig Ban Group will perform in the Memorial Garden. Night sessions include The Allabair Trio and Melanie O’Reilly’s Jazz Quartet in the Railway Social Club and there is also music in Kilrane Inn and Culleton’s Kilrane.

Sunday’s fare begins at 11am with a 4k sponsored walk from The Viewing Point. Crab fishing the blessing of boats ceremony by Fr. Diarmuid Desmond P.P, Crab fishing lines up and the Wexford Sailing Cots Race for the Jim Wickham Cup takes place at the Lagoon.

Sunday afternoon events are in the Memorial Garden and included is the Rosslare Harbour Lifeboat Wreath Laying at 1,30pm; Music with Mark O’Connor, the Competition Prize Presentation with DJ Pat and the High C’s Shanty Group will make for a memorable festival for all the family and the organising committee have a ‘cead mile fáilte’ and a warm welcome for everyone enjoying the festivities in Rosslare Harbour over the next few days.

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