‘Street theatre’ comes to Vinegar Hill

Street theatre and art performing on Vinegar Hill (Pic; WexfordLocal.com)

By Dan Walsh on Vinegar Hill

About 30 young people from Creative Places Enniscorthy (CPE) paid their first visit to Vinegar Hill last evening with an impressive “street theatre” performance where dance, pageantry and the rhythm of the drums brought a fresh atmosphere to a sacred battlefield place linked to the 1798 Rebellion.

Themed ‘The Night Belongs to Youth’ proceedings commenced with a procession of costumed artists who performed along the way from the Grotto at Father Cullen’s Terrace, along Shannon Hill, entered the hill via the walking trail before ceremonially gathering beside the famed ruined windmill on the summit of the hill.

AUDIO ADDITION; Actor FINTAN KELLY speaking with DAN WALSH at the youth event on Vinegar Hill.

Local actor and director Fintan Kelly and Mary Doyle, an experienced artist who worked with Buí Bolg, both co-ordinators with CPE and dressed in costume, acted out a ‘human hostage scene’ narrative encouraged by the enthusiastic crowds, drummers and musicians… thankfully, it all ended in friendship and goodwill. Members of the FDYS and Martina Leacy’s Dancers were also part of the colourful prehistoric scenery.

Daryn O’Callaghan, Co-Ordinator of the CPE was on hand to direct proceedings, but explained that the pageant, making the costumes and co-ordinating the procession and acting out the scenes was solely the creation of the local youth and their co-ordinators. They also had the support of Enniscorthy Tidy Towns represented by Billy and Mary Murphy and a fine gathering of family and friends.

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